Istanbul Bounded Warehouse
Istanbul Antrepo is the final ring of the Logistics Management Chain that ensures the provision of logistics service under the roof of Istanbul Logistics Group.
İstanbul Antrepo provides storage service to the clients of Istanbul Logistics Group at 3 bonded and non-bonded warehouses in 15.000 sqm area through Erenköy and Halkalı Customs Offices and also provides a wide range of services that meet other needs of clients such as packing, handling and distribution.
İstanbul Antrepo offers many advantages to our business partners in terms of time and costs because it is very close to Halkalı and Erenköy Customs Office. İstanbul Antrepo provides all the solutions that you need during the processes of packing your products and preparing for distribution, storage and finally delivery of the products to your clients. Thanks to the technical knowhow and experience of our workers, we always prioritize customer satisfaction and play a significant role in offering competitive conditions.